Augusts New Moon in Virgo heralds in Virgo season

After all the high intensity, rollercoaster energy throughout August this new moon tiptoes in gracefully and quietly to finish out August and the heady summer sun vibes and softly take us into September, Virgo season and into Autumn.

The sunrises and sunsets are simply stunning, the sun is still shining her bright light but some of the intensity has dimmed, leaves are already turning, and the air is beginning to smell of Autumn. Gardens are a good indicator of seasons and although it still seems too early my garden is showing signs of the changing seasons. Whilst it’s not yet time for boots, woolly socks, and jumpers it feels closer every day this week.

Virgo Traits

We entered Virgo season on the 23rd and this new moon falls on August 27th at 9.16 am in the UK. With both the Sun and the Moon in Virgo we really are stepping now into Virgo season. Virgos are the healers of the zodiac. Known to be detail orientated they are also analytical, practical, and grounded. That healing energy extends itself to harvesting in crops, energy, and the gifts of seeds we sowed earlier in the year which is why Virgo is symbolised by the Maiden, usually with plants or harvest foods. Ruled by Mercury they are intellectual and about the mind. But above all they are a sign that are meant to be in service to others. If you know a Virgo, then they're usually the ones who are thinking about those little bits that will make a difference, those important bits that can improve how we can upgrade and make our lives better by doing so. Mercury not only rules Virgo, but also Gemini. It does so in a slightly different way. Gemini tends to be more vocal and prefers to talk things through out loud whereas Virgos tend to keep their thoughts to themselves and think things through in detail before discussing the issue. More often than not by the time a Virgo discusses a problem they’ve already thought about it and come up with a solution. This analysis and tendency to overthink can make them the worriers as well as the healers of the Zodiac.

Planetary Aspects

Whilst thankfully September brings in a more peaceful month there are a few planetary aspects that deserve acknowledging - after all forewarned is forearmed and there are a couple of transits that will affect the rest of this year and into 2023.

September sees 7 planets in retrograde (Chiron, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) but the one we need to know about really is Uranus in Taurus (along with the North Node of destiny) and Mars stationed direct in Gemini.

We've also got a Venus Saturn alignment, which is happening around the new moon time as well. This one is concerned with relationships. If you're experiencing a troublesome time in a relationship, whether business or personal, this alignment might just be the thing that blows the cork out of the bottle and brings things up to a head, with all the fizz and pop energy. But if you're one of the lucky ones who is managing to steer a steady ship through the relationship waters, then all that loving energy will just ramp up for the next few days and you'll just feel more surrounded by loving energy and more conducive towards sending out love and giving out a lot of loving energy.

Next, we need to consider the T-square that the Sun and Moon in Virgo are making to Mars in Gemini. As we know Gemini is also a sign of the mind, as with Virgo its ruling planet is Mercury. One of the things that this asks us to do is to check in and see where we might be worrying, stressing, or obsessing over something. Where is your Central Nervous System on overdrive? What, or who might be getting on your nerves? Virgo energy is about analysing, and, at times, it can be about over analysing and over obsessing. Is that what you're doing? Are you looking at things too analytically, in too much detail? Where can you look for a solution rather than worrying about the actual problem? Are you in fact worrying about something in the future, that might never happen? We're all capable of playing out scenarios well before we have to and imagining the other person's responses, imagining what they may be thinking or how they may be feeling. Ask yourself honestly, how often do these scenarios really play out the way that we imagined them to do? So, this new moon calls on us to look at where we're placing our energy, how much energy we're expending on things and where our balance might be off. Rest is just as important as work and play. Are you allowing yourself to listen to your body and what it means? I'm not just talking about your physical body, but also your mental, emotional, and spiritual body. Do you need to rest, do you need to take some time out, to go inwards and look at what's really happening with you, for you and around you? Or do you need to be focused on some of the detail in your business life, your home, or your relationships? Is your body asking you to take some time out and go off and do something that's fun and playful and really connects with your inner child and what your inner child needs?

This harsh T-square might see you obsessing over perfection, over being seen as a perfect being, doing the perfect job or with a perfect home life and partnership. The Virgo concern with health and wellbeing turns the spotlight on our habits, not just things like exercise and diet, but what our mind, body, and soul needs. Where do we need balance and how can we achieve it? Can we accept that good enough is perfect in itself?

This aspect of Mars in Gemini lasts for a longer than usual time, it’s there for 8 months rather than the usual 2 months. Mars is a dynamic planet, a planet of action and drive but it asks us to really focus on what we are working towards, to drill down and ignore all the sparkly distractions. Gemini is an air sign, intellectual, creative but easily distracted by all the sparkly things around, energy can scatter easily under Gemini. So, you've got this interesting dichotomy here of Mars asking us to focus in Gemini with its more scattered approach to things. In addition, Gemini is associated with social media and Mars in Gemini could see some sparks flying on social media, try to avoid clashes and hot-headed reactions to posts, videos etc throughout this New Moon. If it feels too much restrict your time, or even avoid social media until things calm down again. The other thing to consider here is the amount of information that might come out over the next few months until Mars moves into Cancer in March 2023. Mars is aggressive, passionate and information overload is a very real possibility throughout this long transit. That means things like gossip, rumours, incorrect reporting of news, irate words and compelling us to think about truth, what it means, where we find it and what information or reporting sources we can trust.

The other aspect we need to be aware of is Uranus retrograde in Taurus, the same planet that the North Node of destiny is currently in. This transit is more concerned with the collective rather than individual level. It’s time to re-evaluate things, to embrace change, especially the unexpected changes that Uranus can bring to our collective foundations - money, structures, all the root chakra systems that we have in place to make us feel safe and secure. It’s time to grow and evolve as humanity in a new and different way. But with growth comes restriction, clashes, and a refusal to leave the safe places that once felt comfortable. Because it retrogrades through Taurus until the 22nd of January next year we can, on an individual level reflect on any changes that we’ve experienced over the last few months. To think about how we deal with change, what emotions it brings up and whether we embrace or repel it. Now is your chance to change your habits and thought patterns around change.

New Moon in Virgo 2022

New Moon in Virgo Vibes

If we look at this new moon, Virgo is about harvest gathering and what you've worked on for the last 12 months, gathering in not just physically but also spiritually. It's a time to look at our spiritual growth and harvesting, what we've learnt and how far we've grown spiritually, and deciding what our purpose is. What have you come here to do? What is your purpose on this planet and what have you come here to share with us, how are you prepared to be in service? And are you doing that? Are you living in Soul alignment? New Moons are a time of reflection where your energy is slightly lower. It's a quieter, more internal, deeper time than the full moon, a time when we set our intentions for the next year or the next month. When we really look at what we want to manifest, what we want to co create with the universe. And where we set those intentions. Whether it's through vision board, drawings, or doodling, putting those intentions into words, writing them down or drawing them or doing something creative that shows the universe what your intentions are, sends them into your energy fields. And expresses them to your higher self. There's power in setting down your intentions. There's power in visualising your new goal, in stating your intention to the universe. Unlocking the energy of that dream into your manifestation centre, into your heart centre, into your crown chakra. You need to completely believe in that dream, to believe in that goal. Above all you need to believe that you're worthy and that you can bring it to yourself, and you can manifest it yourself. Because it's a Virgo new moon that could be a health objective such as diet. It could be exercise; it could be new meditation plan. It could be making time for yourself to be out in nature every day. It could be a way that you need to get more organised, that you need to sort things out whether it be finances or legal work or just some nitty gritty stuff. Dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s. Remembering too that we do have mercury retrograde until the second of October. Be aware of what you're working too hard on while you're neglecting yourself. Be aware of what parts of your life need decluttering and now is the time to set the motions in place to do that. Take some time to think about what you want to manifest and write down or drawing your intention. Feel what it's actually like to have that in place, feel it, believe it, and begin the process of achieving it.

Virgo New Moon Crystals

Choosing crystals to work with for each New and Full Moon is a special part of my ritual. Intuiting which crystals to create a grid with to maximise the work done so that I really connect in and work with the energy of each Moon is a real gift. But especially this one as both my Sun and my Moon signs are in Virgo, so this season really resonates deeply with me.

This month I’ve chosen to work with some gorgeous and very energised crystals:

Moss Agate is not just a beautiful stone but it’s one that will remind you of the importance of self-care, of connecting with nature, of being at one with the Universe. It takes us out of our heads and back into our body and our heart.

Blue Apatite another manifestation stone but also one of communication, of the mind and bringing thoughts into reality. it also encourages a positive mindset and is one of the birthstones of Virgo.

Green Aventurine to release the thoughts that are running round in my mind, to let go of worry and to clear the way for recognising what is working and what needs focus and attention.

Pyrite is a stone of will, of action. It’s a protective stone which allows us to see what’s real, to see behind the facade into the truth of a matter.

Smokey Quartz for releasing negativity, for releasing the need for perfectionism but also to remain grounded and clear.

Amazonite for peace. It’s a calming stone, good for manifesting but also helps with over thinking by bringing in clarity rather than ‘what-if’s’.

So that’s it for this New Moon, good luck in your manifesting, be aware of the planetary aspects, keep grounded and stable and don’t let the external world distract you from your purpose. If you feel you need support of like-minded souls join us in my community Spiritual Abundance.


Imbolc Blessings, the wheel turns, light returns.


A fiery Leo Sun meets the Full Moon in Aquarius & Taskmaster Saturn rears his head.